
A milestone had been reached and a whole new group of people popped up and started helping out in the garden.

With a new team forming there was a burst of activity in the garden.


The lads cleared a pile of gravel to make way for the rescued sensory garden created by the Prince’s Trust gang.  It enabled us to clear away the overgrown grass and weeds at the entrance, using up the gravel and the start of making the community garden more welcoming and vibrant.


It’s difficult to see in the first picture that there is indeed a herb wheel!  The lads dug it up and salvaged what they could of the original frame.   One of our community gardening days saw the compost pile being put to good use as the herb wheel came into action.


The entrance to the garden looks much more vibrant and as a result we don’t get people dropping off rubbish, fly-tipping in the entrance.


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